Senator Langerholc E-Newsletter

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In this Update:

  • 9/11- 20 Years Later
  • Congratulations Eagle Scout Pavic
  • Grand Opening of Innovative Extracts by Golden Farms
  • Cambria County Job Fair
  • Update from the National Insurance Crime Bureau
  • Hearing on Senate Bill 797
  • Homes Within Reach 2021
  • Clearfield County Charitable Foundation Accepting Grant Applications
  • DCNR Now Accepting Grant Applications
  • Suicide Prevention: Help is Available 
  • September is National Prostate Health Month

9/11- 20 Years Later

It was 20 years ago this week that terrorists carried out a coordinated attack on the United States, killing nearly 3,000 Americans. It was an atrocity that would shake the nation’s confidence and test its resolve.

Amid the tragedies playing out in New York City, Washington, D.C. and Somerset County, Pennsylvania, there were stirring acts of courage and bravery. From the shock and mourning emerged a unified people.

The effects of the events of September 11, 2001 continue to reverberate. Many of those who died left behind children who were so young they never got to know their parents. A new generation has grown up over the past two decades with few, if any, memories of those they lost. Some 1,106 victims, or 40% of those who died, remain unidentified.

The best way to honor those killed 20 years ago is to renew our commitment to unity and to overcoming the challenges we face today.

Congratulations Eagle Scout Pavic

This week I presented a Senate of Pennsylvania Citation to Justin Pavic. Justin is a member of Troop 622 and recently earned the rank of Eagle Scout. For his Eagle Scout community service project, Justin constructed two flag retirement boxes. Congratulations, Justin!

Grand Opening of Innovative Extracts by Golden Farms

This week my staff attended the Ribbon Cutting & Grand Opening of Innovative Extracts by Golden Farms in Johnstown.  Congratulations and best of luck!

Cambria County Job Fair

The 24th Annual Cambria County Job Fair will be held from 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm on Tuesday, September 28, 2021, at the F.J. Pasquerilla Conference Center located in downtown, Johnstown. Employers will have the opportunity to recruit from a diverse group of qualified candidates. Job seekers of all ages are encouraged to attend and to bring their resumes. 

Local workforce experts will be available to answer questions and provide information on job search resources, as well as recruitment information for employers.  There is no cost for job seekers to attend. The exhibitor fee is $95.00 per table. The deadline for exhibitor registration is Friday, September 10th.   

Job seekers can attend Employer Expectations and Your Job Search preparation workshops on September 20th, 22nd or 24th from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm at the PA CareerLink of Cambria County.

Workshop topics include:  

  • Resume Writing
  • Interview Techniques
  • Zoom and Social Media Etiquette
  • Employer Expectations
  • Job Retention
  • Preparing for a Job Fair

To register for the workshops, call the CareerLink at 814-534-2500.

Click here for employer registration information. The list of participating employers can be viewed here.

View the Cambria County Job Fair YouTube video at

Update from the National Insurance Crime Bureau

The National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) is offering the following resources and recommendations to homeowners impacted by Hurricane Ida as they begin the rebuilding process. This valuable information will guide you in choosing a contractor that is licensed and insured to prevent you from being taken advantage of during this difficult process.

The flooding from Hurricane Ida has been severe. Unfortunately, following a disaster, victims are understandably confused and shaken by the damage or possible loss of their homes and belongings. Sadly, it is at this time crooked contractors arrive and press homeowners into paying out their insurance claim prior to the repairs being completed. Time and again, investigators with the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) have seen these bad actors collect payment, and then disappear without completing the work that was promised. Meanwhile the homeowner is left in the same place and out thousands to tens-of-thousands of dollars in the process.

The NICB partners with insurance companies, consumers, law enforcement and local officials to combat insurance fraud. In the rebuilding process, should homeowners suspect fraud, they should contact their insurer, local law enforcement and the NICB at 1-800-TEL-NICB.

Some key points when hiring a contractor, victims should be aware of are to:

  • Get more than one estimate. Never let a contractor pressure you into hiring them.
    • Work only with licensed and insured contractors
    • Demand references and check them.
    • Ask to see the salesperson’s driver’s license, write down the license number and their vehicle’s license plate number.
    • Get contract in writing. This should include cost, time schedules, payment schedules, guarantees, work to be done, and other expectations should be detailed.
    • Never sign a contract with blanks as these could be filled in later without your knowledge.
    • Never pay a contractor in full or sign a completion certificate until the work is done and ensure reconstruction is up to current code.

Hearing on Senate Bill 797

This week I attended a hearing in Pittsburgh of the Senate Community, Economic & Recreational Development Committee on Senate Bill 797, the Neighborhood Improvement District Act Modernization.

At the hearing, I learned from various industries on ways to increase tourism in Allegheny County and across the Commonwealth. Click here to view the full hearing.

Homes Within Reach 2021

Applications are open for scholarships for Homes Within Reach conference registration. The PA Department of Community and Economic Development will provide scholarships to conference attendees working for organizations and agencies that serve the PA CoC Balance of State counties working to prevent and end homelessness. The Balance of State covers 55 of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties. This includes 35 counties that are part of the Eastern PA CoC and 20 counties in the Western PA CoC.

In addition to these scholarships, the Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania will be providing scholarships to people with lived experience. These scholarships are funded through our annual conference Scholarship Raffle.

The deadline for consideration is Friday, September 24th at 11:59pm.

Please feel free to call the Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania at 215-576-7044 if you have any questions or email

Clearfield County Charitable Foundation Accepting Grant Applications

The Clearfield County Charitable Foundation is ready to accept applications for the 2021 CCCF Grant Program.

Application forms can be downloaded from the website at or can be requested by email at

The deadline for submission of the completed applications is Friday, Sept. 24. After the applications are submitted, the CCCF Grant Committee will review and score the applications, then make recommendations to the CCCF Board of Directors who will award the grants during their October board meeting.

DCNR Now Accepting Grant Applications

The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) is now accepting electronic applications for grants aiding snowmobile- and all-terrain vehicle-related projects.

No match is required for this funding; however, applications providing matching funding will be given additional consideration. Here is a link to DCNR’s application process, which is open until Sept. 30:

Filing Claims and Avoiding Scams After a Storm

Homeowners and business operators impacted by the recent strong storms can access useful information on how to file insurance claims for damages and tips to avoid repair scams.

The After the Storm brochure from the Pennsylvania Insurance Department includes such tips as:

  • Contact the insurance company as soon as possible after the storm.
  • Save all receipts.
  • Take photographs or video before cleaning or making repairs.
  • Individuals can verify someone is licensed as a public adjuster at Find an Insurance Professional.
  • Ask for and check references before hiring a contractor.

In addition, keep in mind that flood damage is not covered by most homeowners’ insurance policies, and a separate flood insurance policy is required to pay for damage caused by flooding.

Suicide Prevention: Help is Available  

National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month is a good time to note that for anyone with depression or thoughts of suicide: you’re not alone.

According to a 2018 report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the country and is one of only three that are on the rise. In Pennsylvania, suicide rates have increased by 34% since 1999.

Military veterans are 1.5 times more likely to die by suicide than Americans who never served in the military. Help is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. All calls are confidential:

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

Veterans Crisis Line: 1-800-273-TALK (8255) and press 1

You can find more information about mental health services in Pennsylvania here.

September is National Prostate Health Month

One in nine men, mostly men 65 or older, will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime. The good news is the death rate is relatively low. 

Prostate cancer usually progresses slowly, so some type of screening is likely to catch it in time to act. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says men should discuss the risks and benefits of prostate cancer screening with their doctor. 

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