Senator Langerholc E-Newsletter

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Senator Wayne Langerholc, Jr


Harrisburg Happenings

Summer Spotlight

This week’s Summer Spotlight will focus on the work I have been doing to address the heroin and opioid epidemic. The heroin and opioid epidemic has had an impact on my whole district and it is my goal to do everything within my power to spearhead this issue for the health and safety of our Commonwealth.

The Senate has successfully had seven bills passed out of the Senate relating to the epidemic. This broad package of bills is meant to raise awareness as well as provide care for our citizens. Of those seven, I was the champion of one. Senate Bill 118 creates a “Recovery to Work” pilot program to connect individuals in recovery with occupations through local workforce development boards.

The other six bills in this package are:

  1. Senate Bill 93 (Bartolotta) creates a new statute establishing a second degree felony for the delivery or distribution of an illicit drug that results in “serious bodily injury” to the user.
  2. Senate Bill 112 (Yaw) limits the prescription for a controlled substance containing an opioid to seven days unless there is a medical emergency that puts the patients’ health or safety at risk.
  3. Senate Bill 223 (Phillips-Hill) allows providers to leave a dose of naloxone with an on-scene caregiver of a patient who overdosed on opioids.
  4. Senate Bill 432 (Phillips-Hill) allows Medicaid Managed Care Organizations to have access to information in the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program.
  5. Senate Bill 572 (Aument) requires patients prescribed opioids to enter into treatment agreements with a prescriber to ensure they understand the risks of addiction and overdose.
  6. Senate Bill 675 (Brooks) requires certification of office-based prescribers of the addiction treatment drug buprenorphine and limits the drug’s use.

District Happenings

Grants Awarded for Local Redevelopment Projects

Six community redevelopment projects will receive state grants totaling $3 million through the state’s Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP). RACP is a state grant program administered by the Pennsylvania Office of the Budget for the acquisition and construction of regional economic, cultural, civic, recreational, and historical improvement projects. The program is open to projects that do not already qualify for funding under other state programs.

Grant recipients include:

  • Bedford Fulton Joint Recreation Authority forPike 2 Bike” which will rehabilitate approximately 8.5 miles of abandoned turnpike between Breezewood and Pump Station Road in Fulton County. The project includes construction of a new pedestrian access bridge over Route 30 and the restoration of the former Cove Plaza site in Fulton County, as well as wayfinding signage, restrooms, and other improvements.
  • Redevelopment Authority of Cambria County for the development of the Iron to Arts Corridor in the City of Johnstown. The project includes sidewalk improvements, greenery, benches, lighting, a new park, and additional features along a 2-mile transportation network in the city.
  • Johnstown Industrial Development Corporation to repurpose an existing business park site for industrial operations targeted to new and expanding companies.
  • Saint Francis University to renovate and expand Sullivan Hall as part of the Rural Health and Wellness Science Complex project. The project will feature the addition of two floors to the facility to better meet the needs of each of the school’s health sciences programs.
  • DLP Conemaugh Memorial Medical Center, LLC, to renovate a significant portion of the Lee Campus building in Johnstown. The project will likely include demolition of existing interiors, reconfiguring and installation of electric and telecommunication lines, plumbing and HVAC, and basic build-out of the space to accommodate future growth at Memorial Medical.
  • Johnstown Area Heritage Association to rehabilitate the Johnstown Flood Museum, including installing new electrical, mechanical and lighting systems; upgrading the building shell including masonry, windows and doors; upgrading architectural finishes; elevator upgrades; and fire suppression and security system upgrades.

Each of these grants highlights projects that make our local communities unique and special, while at the same time improving the quality of life for community residents. These awards will further enhance our region – providing new opportunities for residents and as a travel destination to those outside our area – showcasing our region and providing economic impact. 

Superintendent’s Academy

This week I had the pleasure of attending the PA Department of Education’s Superintendent’s Academy at the Clearfield County Career & Technology Center, where I was joined with local superintendents. While there, I had the opportunity to have a good dialogue with them and learned about new initiatives in education.

Altogether, a great day during which I got to witness first-hand the great hands our school administrations are in. As Chairman of the Senate Education Committee, I believe that we must do all that we can to ensure all children receive the best education possible. I look forwarding to continuing to work with them in the future to achieve this goal.


Wrestling Recognition

I had the opportunity to present Senate Citations to Dominic and Kooper Deputy. These brothers were crowned state champions at the Pennsylvania Freestyle Wrestling Championships earlier this spring.

Dominic won the 11U 68 lb class and Kooper won the 9U 56lb class. They compete on the Chestnut Ridge Little Lions Wrestling team and although they wrestle all year, they still find time to play baseball.

I have no doubt we will hear more great things from them. Congratulations Dominic and Kooper!

Eagle Scout Recognition

It was an honor to present Brandon Dawson a Senate Citation. Brandon is an Eagle Scout from Troop Number 4481 in Bedford.

Brandon has accomplished much during his journey to becoming an Eagle Scout, including building a handicap accessible ramp for his community. Reaching this milestone is a special occasion and serves as a testament to the hard working individuals of Bedford County. He will be attending Frostburg State University in the fall where he will be studying mechanical engineering and playing football.

Your hard work and dedication is to be commended. I wish you the very best in your future endeavors, Brandon!

The Bedford Amateur Radio Society

The Bedford County Amateur Radio Society recently celebrated their 60th anniversary.  The Society is one of the oldest in the country and continues to serve their community in a multitude of ways.

It was a delight to hear about their rich history and deep sense of pride towards what they do. Kenny Burtnett, the current president, shared with me how their radio system is second in line in case of emergency, which came in handy last winter during a snow storm.

Congratulations on your well-deserved recognition!

(L-R) Lloyd Roach, Sen. Langerholc, Kenny Burtnett and Ken Roach

Trinity Lutheran Church

Trinity Lutheran Church in Bedford celebrated their 250th anniversary in June.  Throughout the years, the Trinity Lutheran Church has been a hub of growth and service in the community.

The church is currently following the guidance of the Reverend Raymond E. Short and the Reverend David M. Weinhold, whom shared with me about the building’s rich history and church’s deep ties to the state of Pennsylvania. They even showed me a framed document written to the church in the late 1700’s from William Penn’s relative.

I wish the Trinity Lutheran Church all the best and many more years of growth and prosperity.

(l-r) The Rev. Raymond E. Short, Sen. Langerholc and The Rev. David M. Weinhold

Farmers Market Fun

I visited the Bedford Farmers Market on the West Side of the Square. Every Wednesday local farmers, artisans and bakers come together to sell products that are handmade and homegrown within Lawrence county.

This week, the event featured the Bedford Search and Rescue team. I was honored to spend time speaking with them about what they do. The search and Rescue team is a great asset to the community and vital tool in times of trouble.

Next week, the Bedford High School Robotics will be in attendance. This group of outstanding individuals just won the National BotsIQ Competition. They should be immensely proud of their accomplishments!

Local Food Program

Thursday I visited the summer food program site in Johnstown. This free program for students in the Greater Johnstown School District, runs from June to August and partners with the Pittsburgh Community Food Bank for breakfast and lunch.  It’s great to see firsthand how beneficial and important this program is to our youth. 

For more info or location nearest you, dial 211 or text food to 877-877

Introducing Three New Satellite Offices

I am excited announce that our offices will be coming to a location near you in the near future! Please feel free to stop by during our office hours!

Statewide Fun

Find a Fair Near You

You can find a local fair across your county or across PA with this Interactive Fair Guide. Search by distance from your location, or filter by county, date range or both. Each fair entry includes dates, a website link and driving directions. There are 107 county and community fairs across the state.


Heritage Here and Now

This summer is the 30th anniversary of PA’s 12 Heritage Areas, which span 57 counties. They encompass almost every major historical site, population center & tourist attraction that PA has to offer. You can find one to explore regionally or across the state:


Visitors to Harrisburg

I would like to remind constituents, to please feel free to stop in my office, Room 187, when you are visiting the capitol.  My staff and I welcome the opportunity to say hello to you.  If you are visiting on a session day, I can also introduce you as my guest during session.  Feel free to call 717-787-5400 if you know in advance that you will be visiting the capitol.  If you are interested in a capitol tour, you can schedule your visit online:


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