Senator Langerholc E-Newsletter

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Senator Wayne Langerholc, Jr


District Happenings:

Visit to Conemaugh Health System

It was great to welcome Speaker Mike Turzai to our area with PA State Rep. Jim Rigby.  Bill Caldwell provided a tour of Conemaugh Health System TeleHealth Program. What a tremendous opportunity to highlight the innovative technology that the region is using!

(l-r) Sen. Langerholc, PA State Rep. Jim Rigby, Bill Caldwell (CEO of Conemaugh Health System), Speaker Mike Turzai and Jeannine McMillan (Conemaugh Health System)

Broad Top Township, Bedford County

I visited with the Broad Top Township Supervisors for a tour of the municipal complex. These supervisors are dedicated to making their community a better place to live with fiscal responsibility and vision.

(l-r) Don Black, Bob Figard, Senator Langerholc, Don Hedge

Saxton Volunteer Fire Company

I met with Saxton Volunteer Fire Company’s Fireman of the Year, Branden Diehl and Mayor Alan Smith. This all volunteer department, including EMS, is one of 39 stations in the Commonwealth to have attained Gold Certification or 100% certification (all firefighters trained to FireFighter I). This department responds to 150 fire calls and 500 EMS calls annually. I want to commend this fine department who unselfishly serves their community 24/7.

(l-r) Senator Langerholc, Branden Diehl and Mayor Alan Smith 

Local Birthdays

It’s always a privilege to present Senate Citations to local constituents that are celebrating birthdays of 100-plus. This week I stopped by the Arbutus Park Retirement Community in Cambria County to present Senate Citations to five wonderful women.  These five inspirational women have been outstanding citizens who exemplify the finest virtues of life and I wish them future happiness and fulfillment.

Happy Birthday!

(l-r) First row: Grace Thomas 105th, Irene Murray 102nd, Beulah Walls 101st, Elizabeth Zihalla 103rd, Rose Garaventa 100th
Second row: Rick Wilson and Sen. Langerholc

Upcoming Events:

My staff will be available to assist you on any state-related matters tomorrow, July 12th, while celebrating the 4th annual Northern Cambria County Regional Heritage Festival.  This Festival is a day-long event featuring crafts, food, entertainment while highlighting local heritage.

Visitors to Harrisburg

I would like to remind constituents, to please feel free to stop in my office, Room 187, when you are visiting the capitol.  My staff and I welcome the opportunity to say hello to you.  If you are visiting on a session day, I can also introduce you as my guest during session.  Feel free to call 717-787-5400 if you know in advance that you will be visiting the capitol.  If you are interested in a capitol tour, you can schedule your visit online:


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