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Senator Wayne Langerholc, Jr


Passage of 2019-2020 State Budget

6/27/19 – Passage of 2019-2020 State Budget

Pennsylvania’s new state budget, which I voted for, holds the line on spending, contains no new tax increases and includes record levels of state funding for public education.

The new state budget calls for $12.8 billion in education funding, the largest-ever state investment in Pennsylvania’s schools.  Additionally, the General Assembly renewed $60 million in grant funding to protect students and teachers from violence in schools.  Other important education investments include:

  • Basic Education funding increased by $160 million.
  • Pre-K spending increased by $25 million (13 percent), Special Education increased by $5 million (4.4 percent) and Early Intervention services increased by $15 million (5 percent).
  • An across-the-board 2 percent increase in funding for community colleges, state-relate universities.

The budget will set aside $300 million in the state’s Rainy Day Fund, which held only $23 million prior to this year’s investment.  It also includes increases in funding in agriculture, basic education, career and technical, special education, community colleges, rape crisis and domestic violence services, school safety and security, and job training.

We’ve held the line on the Governor’s spending and practiced good fiscal management as this budget has a 1.8 percent growth, which is under the rate of inflation. 

Harrisburg Happenings:

Senate Passes Bill to End Emissions Testing in Cambria County

6/25/19 - Exempting Eligible Counties from the Vehicle Emissions Testing (SB 744)

The Senate this week approved a package of bills on June 25, 2019, reforming Pennsylvania’s vehicle emissions testing program.

One of the measures is Senate Bill 744, a bill I I sponsored to remove Cambria County, from from the testing requirement based on empirical evidence cited by the Joint State Government Commission. 

Our constituents are paying around $40 for each subject vehicle every year under an outdated vehicle emissions testing program.

This historic vote is a culmination of many years of work to end this costly and unnecessary mandate.

From Senate Resolution 168 to public hearings, to meetings with stakeholders, we have advocated for the removal of emissions testing in counties that have improved their air quality and meet national standards.

We have listened to our constituents.  I am hopeful that when the House returns in the fall, it will pass this package of bills quickly. We must continue to fight for the people of western Pennsylvania who have been saddled with this onerous requirement for far too long.”

Package of Bills Will Support Farming, Ag Industry in PA

6/26/19 – “Farming First” Legislation

I was proud to support a broad package of bills that are intended to support Pennsylvania farmers and encourage new generations of farmers to continue the state’s rich agricultural heritage.

A number of the measures in the package were championed by Senate Republicans as part of the Farming First initiative, which was announced in May. Additional measures were advanced by House Republicans, and components of the governor’s PA Farm Bill are also included.

Ending Child Marriage in PA

6/26/19 – Banning Child Marriage

I spoke at a news conference last week about legislation I sponsored to end child marriage in Pennsylvania.  

6/25/19 – Introduction of Job Shadow, Matthew Rummel

Matthew Rummel shadowed me for the day in Harrisburg. Matthew is a junior at Ligonier Valley School District.

District Happenings:

I’m pleased that North American Hoganas High Alloys LLC (Höganäs), will expand its operations in Cambria County, creating 25 more jobs for area residents, echoes the sentiment heard in our region over the past few years. Cambria County is an excellent place to work, live and raise a family. I look forward to working with this company to continue to attract and retain a workforce that will contribute to our tax base and improve the quality of life in our region.

Visitors to Harrisburg

I would like to remind constituents, to please feel free to stop in my office, Room 187, when you are visiting the capitol.  My staff and I welcome the opportunity to say hello to you.  If you are visiting on a session day, I can also introduce you as my guest during session.  Feel free to call 717-787-5400 if you know in advance that you will be visiting the capitol.



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