Senator Langerholc E-Newsletter

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In this Update:

  • The State Theater of Johnstown’s Community Stakeholder Briefing
  • Ribbon Cutting for I Need That Surplus Store
  • Ribbon Cutting for Classic Elements
  • Senate Acts to Help Local Police Departments Find and Keep Officers
  • Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program Application Deadline Extended to Dec. 31
  • College Aid Webinars in June and July
  • Look Out for Texting Scams about Unclaimed Property
  • Happy Father’s Day

The State Theater of Johnstown’s Community Stakeholder Briefing

I was happy to attend and speak at the The State Theater of Johnstown’s Community Stakeholder Briefing from my Harrisburg Office.  I look forward to what the future holds at this historic theater as they begin preliminary discussions to partner with IMAX.

Ribbon Cutting for I Need That Surplus Store

My staff attended the Cambria Regional Chamber’s Ribbon Cutting and Grand Opening for I Need That Surplus Store.  The store is located at 425 Horner Street in Johnstown.  Best Wishes and Congratulations!

Ribbon Cutting for Classic Elements

My staff attended the Cambria Regional Chamber’s Ribbon Cutting Ceremony & Grand Opening for Classic Elements.  Located at 345 Main Street in Johnstown, Classic Elements has officially opened their wine bar and café expansion, to go along with their bookstore and gift shop.  Best of luck and congratulations!

Senate Acts to Help Local Police Departments Find and Keep Officers

The Senate approved legislation expanding pension benefits for law enforcement officers who want to buy back service. The legislation now advances to the House of Representatives.

Senate Bill 669 gives municipal and regional police officers the option to buy back up to five years of previous part-time or full-time service at another department.

The change could serve as a recruitment tool for police departments. Senate hearings on rising crime in Pennsylvania uncovered a crisis facing local police departments in recruiting and retaining officers.

Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program Application Deadline Extended to Dec. 31

​The deadline for older and disabled Pennsylvanians to apply for rebates on rent and property taxes paid in 2021 has been extended from June 30 to Dec. 31, 2022.

The Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program benefits eligible Pennsylvanians age 65 and older, widows and widowers age 50 and older, and people with disabilities age 18 and older. The income limit is $35,000 a year for homeowners and $15,000 annually for renters, and half of Social Security income is excluded. You can apply online at

Under state law, the annual deadline for the program is set as June 30. However, the law requires the Department of Revenue to evaluate the program to determine if funds are available to extend the deadline. To date, funding has been available to allow all who qualify, meaning the deadline can be extended to Dec. 31 for the current year.

College Aid Webinars in June and July

The Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA) is holding free webinars covering the two most requested topics during this time of year as families look to achieve an affordable postsecondary education. 

Deep Dive into Covering the Gap

  • June 30, noon
  • July 12, noon
  • July 26, 6:30 p.m.

This one-hour webinar answers questions that might arise after students receive their first semester bill, such as additional costs to plan for and available loan programs.

Borrowing for Education: Which Loan is Right for Me?   

  • June 28, 6:30 p.m.
  • July 14, 6:30 p.m.
  • July 21, noon
  • July 28, noon

This one-hour webinar covers available loan programs and advantages and disadvantages of each.

You can find more information on these sessions and register here.

Look Out for Texting Scams about Unclaimed Property

The Pennsylvania Treasury Department is warning Pennsylvanians that scammers are using text messages to target potential unclaimed property claimants.

About one in 10 Pennsylvanians is owed some of the more than $4 billion in unclaimed property held by the department, making the subject ripe for exploiting by scammers.

The Treasury Department never reaches out to people about any program, including unclaimed property, via unsolicited text messages. You can search the online database at to see if you have property waiting and start the claim process.

Celebrating Fathers and Fatherhood

To all dads, I hope you enjoy your special day on Sunday, as we celebrate all the unique joys and talents you bring to a family.

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