Senator Langerholc E-Newsletter

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Senator Wayne Langerholc, Jr


COVID-19 Update


Senator Wayne Langerholc


Governor Tom Wolf announced that all K-12 Pennsylvania schools will be closed for 10 business days effective Monday, March 16. The administration has been working with school districts as well as state and local officials to gather input on this decision.

We will continue to monitor Covid-19 in the commonwealth, and at the end of 10 days will reevaluate and decide whether continued closure is needed.

Governor Wolf made the following statement:

We understand that these are trying times and recognize the impact of the coronavirus on our students and communities.

First and foremost, my top priority as governor – and that of our education leaders – must be to ensure the health and safety of our students and school communities.

As such, I am ordering that all schools in the commonwealth close for the next two weeks.

Be aware that no school district will be penalized if it fails to meet the 180 day or school hours requirements.

The Department of Education will work with intermediate units and other stakeholders to support school districts with any continuity of learning plans they may be pursuing.

Also, the Pennsylvania Department of Education announced today that it received a waiver from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to allow eligible schools to serve meals to low income students in a non-congregate setting, such as a drive-through or grab and go, during this closure.

We will also work with schools to assist them with those plans.

We appreciate your collaboration as we work together to deal with this difficult issue.

Current Update from Department of Health

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) updates are ever changing. Please visit the Pennsylvania Department of Health for all the up-to-date information at As of 3:30 pm Friday March 13, 2020 there are 27 presumptive positive and 6 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Pennsylvania.

Total number of cases are 33. Counties impacted to date:

Bucks (2);
Chester (1);
Delaware (4);
Monroe (3);
Montgomery (17);
Northampton (1);
Philadelphia (3);
Pike (1);
Wayne (1).

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Senior Expo – CANCELLED

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