March 16, 2021


This week, Senator Pat Stefano (R-32) and Senator Wayne Langerholc, Jr. (R-35) introduced and spoke on a condolence resolution that they offered on behalf of First Class Petty Officer Harry Milton Beal (USN, Retired).  [Read More]

Langerholc to Serve on Transportation Revenue Options Commission
March 12, 2021

Langerholc to Serve on Transportation Revenue Options Commission

Senator Wayne Langerholc Jr. (R-35), chairman of the Senate Transportation Committee, today issued the following statement on the Governor’s Transportation Revenue Options Commission:  [Read More]

March 11, 2021

New Legislation Puts the Brakes on Tolling PA Interstate Bridges

Senator Wayne Langerholc, Jr. (R-35), chairman of the Senate Transportation Committee, joined colleagues today to announce the introduction of legislation to stop the proposed plan to toll bridges on Pennsylvania’s interstate system.   [Read More]

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March 10, 2021

Senators To Announce Legislation To Put Brakes on PennDOT P3 Bridge Tolling Plan

Senate Transportation Committee Chair Wayne Langerholc, Jr. (R-35) will hold a news conference at 1 p.m. on Thursday, March 11, on the second floor Rotunda outside the Lieutenant Governor’s Office in the State Capitol in Harrisburg.  [Read More]

Senator Langerholc Raises Serious Concerns with PennDOT’s Plan to Toll Bridges
February 18, 2021

Senator Langerholc Raises Serious Concerns with PennDOT’s Plan to Toll Bridges

Today, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) unveiled a plan to toll nine existing bridges on the Interstate System in this Commonwealth through a Public-Private Transportation Partnership (P3).   [Read More]

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February 4, 2021

Senate Unanimously Approves Langerholc Bill to Allow Expert Witnesses To Aid Victims of Domestic Violence, Human Trafficking

The State Senate this week unanimously approved a bill sponsored by Senator Wayne Langerholc, Jr. (R-35) that would provide new and critical resources to aid victims of domestic violence and human trafficking who are involved in court cases against their abusers.  [Read More]

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February 3, 2021

Langerholc Issues Statement on Governor Wolf’s Annual Budget Address

Senator Wayne Langerholc, Jr. (R-35) offered the following statement on Governor Tom Wolf’s proposed $40.2 billion General Fund Budget for the 2021-2022 Fiscal Year  [Read More]

Langerholc Issues Statement on Resignation of Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar
February 1, 2021

Langerholc Issues Statement on Resignation of Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar

Senator Wayne Langerholc, Jr. (R-35) offered the following statement on the resignation of Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar after the department’s failure to properly advertise a constitutional amendment that was to help victims of child sex abuse:   [Read More]

Senators Corman, Langerholc Call on Governor to Activate State Resources to Assist Moshannon Valley Correctional Center Employees
January 22, 2021

Senators Corman, Langerholc Call on Governor to Activate State Resources to Assist Moshannon Valley Correctional Center Employees

With the federal government announcing it will vacate the Moshannon Valley Correctional Center, Senate President Pro Tempore Jake Corman (R-34) and Senator Wayne Langerholc (R-35) called on the Wolf Administration to activate state resources to help the hundreds of employees affected by the closure.  [Read More]

Langerholc and Sankey Announce the Completion of the Comcast Project to Provide Expanded Broadband Access to Coalport Area
January 21, 2021

Langerholc and Sankey Announce the Completion of the Comcast Project to Provide Expanded Broadband Access to Coalport Area

Senator Wayne Langerholc, Jr. (R-35) and Representative Tommy Sankey (R-Clearfield/Cambria) today announced that Comcast has completed the extension of its high-speed broadband network in portions of southern Clearfield County and northern Cambria County months ahead of schedule, providing better broadband access to thousands of residents in their districts.  [Read More]

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